Datacenter Services
Datacenter Compliance, Network, Power & Security Information

Datacenter Compliance
SSAE 16 SOC 2 Type 2
SOC 2 measures controls specifically related to IT and data center service providers. The five controls are security, availability, processing integrity (ensuring system accuracy, completion and authorization), confidentiality and privacy. There are two types:
Type 1 – A data center’s system and suitability of its design of controls, as reported by the company.
Type 2 – Includes everything in Type 1, with the addition of verification of an auditor's opinion on the operating effectiveness of the controls.
PCI-DSS Compliant
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is an information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes. The PCI Standard is mandated by the card brands and administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council.
HIPAA Compliant
Mandated by the U.S. Health and Human Services Dept., the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 specifies laws to secure protected health information (PHI), or patient health data (medical records).
Power Overview
All equipment in our data center is supplied by reliable Evergy utility power, on-site diesel generator, and battery backup UPS. Evergy is an award-winning utility when it comes to reliability. Unfortunately, we can’t predict when disturbances caused by electrical storms, equipment failures and accidents may occur. To mitigate this risk, we utilize a Liebert UPS and batteries for short-duration anomalies, plus a standby diesel generator for long-term outages.
Power Redundancy
- Evergy
- On-site 500kW transformer
- Award winning reliability
- Multiple Liebert UPS Systems
- Proven as one of the most durable UPS in the industry
- Regular testing and battery replacement
- Remote monitoring from our NOC
- All network equipment A&B fed from multiple UPS systems
- Diesel Generator
- On-site storage of diesel fuel
- Automatic start and transfer during utility outage
- Regular load testing and maintenance
- Remote monitoring from our NOC
Computer Room Cooling
We understand the need for precision and reliability. Our datacenter uses all Liebert air conditioners in an N+1 configuration for sensitive electronics in our data center because we know environmental control is more than simple cooling. “Comfort” air conditioning systems are designed to cool people and office space. They simply cannot provide the kind of environment required by high performance computer or communication equipment. Computers and communications equipment generate six to ten times the heat density of normal office space, the air conditioning system must have more than just enough cooling capacity.
One way that we ensure security is through the use of security cameras. Throughout the datacenter, there are 16 security cameras. These cameras are spread out through the colocation datacenter, dedicated datacenter and outside.
Network Overview
All equipment in our data center is supplied by reliable Evergy utility power, on-site diesel generator, and battery backup UPS. Evergy is an award-winning utility when it comes to reliability. Unfortunately, we can’t predict when disturbances caused by electrical storms, equipment failures and accidents may occur. To mitigate this risk, we utilize a Liebert UPS and batteries for short-duration anomalies, plus a standby diesel generator for long-term outages.
Bandwidth Providers:
- Hurricane Electric
- Native IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing
- GTT Communications
- Native IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing
- Century Link
- Native IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing
- Cogent
- Native IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing
- Kansas City Internet Exchange (KCIX)
- Advertising all Routes into the Peer Server
- Private peering with select networks
- Midwest Internet Cooperative Exchange (MICE)
- Advertising all Routes into the Peer Server
- Private peering with select networks
- Denver Internet Exchange (IX-Denver)
- Advertising all Routes into the Peer Server
- Private peering with select networks
- Unite Private Networks
- Enters our building via a completely different fiber path than Zayo
- Allows us to connect to two different buildings in downtown KC
- Fiber was Trenched Underground (no aerial fiber)
- Zayo Group
- Enters our building via a completely different fiber path than Unite
- Allows us to connect to two different buildings in downtown KC
- Fiber was Trenched Underground (no aerial fiber)
Network Security Suite (DDOS Protection):
- Stops your service from being affected by other customers getting DDOS attacks
- Automatic notifications with sample traffic if your service is being DDOS attacked
- Prevents large DDOS attacks from causing unwanted bandwidth overages
- Automatically null-routes only the targeted IP upstream with our providers
Network Equipment:
- Load balanced and redundant connections between switches and providers
- Redundant management cards and power supplies in each switch
- On-site replacement parts for all equipment
- Gigabit ports to all customer machines
- 10Gb network ports between our internal equipment
Network Monitoring:
- We have threshold monitoring for all equipment allowing early alerts before a problem affects a service.
Datacenter Entrance Security
Obtaining entrance to the data center is not a simple task. All doors are locked at all times of the day, and employees must use restricted access control mechanisms to enter. Colocation customers are granted on-site access in order to install and work on equipment. To enter the colocation data center, customers must submit a request before coming on-site. Once on-site customers can ring the door buzzer and speak to a data center employee. The employee will ID Check the visitor, verify they are an authorized contact and have them sign in. Once the customer has been led inside the data center, they are only given access to their equipment. All of the colocation cabinets are locked and customers cannot enter the dedicated server or vps portion of the data center.